Results for 'Shirley Anne Tate'

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  1. Whiteliness and institutional racism: hiding behind (un)conscious bias.Shirley Anne Tate & Damien Page - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (1):141-155.
    ‘Unconscious bias happens by our brains making incredibly quick judgements and assessments without us realising. Biases are influenced by background, cultural environment and experiences and we may not be aware of these views and opinions, or of their full impact and implications. This article opposes this point of view by arguing that bias is not unconscious but is conscious and linked to Charles Mills’ ‘Racial Contract’ and its ‘epistemologies of ignorance’. These epistemologies emerge from what the Equality Challenge Unit calls (...)
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    Playing in the Dark: Being unafraid and impolite.Shirley Anne Tate - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (1):94-96.
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    Femininity revisited – A round table.Shirley-Anne Tate, Clare Hemmings, Gayatri Gopinath, Laura Martínez-Jiménez, Lina Gálvez-Muñoz, Jenny Sundén, Madeleine Kennedy-Macfoy & Ulrika Dahl - 2018 - European Journal of Women's Studies 25 (3):384-393.
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    Skin bleaching in Black Atlantic zones: shade shifters, Shirley Anne Tate[REVIEW]Simidele Dosekun - 2019 - Feminist Theory 20 (4):472-473.
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    Book Review: ‘Browning’ The Black/white Beauty Binary: Shirley Anne Tate Black Beauty: Aesthetics, Stylization, Politics. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009, 180 pp., ISBN 978-0-7546-7145-9. [REVIEW]Aisha Phoenix - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (2):166-168.
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  6. The Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics.Shirley-Ann Rueschemeyer & M. Gareth Gaskell (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    With contributions from the fields of psychology, linguistics, cognitive neuroscience, attention, genetics, development, and neuropsychology divided into five themed sections, this new edition of The Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics is unparalleled in its breadth of coverage.
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    Philosophy and Feminist Thinking. [REVIEW]Shirley Ann Wagner - 1988 - Teaching Philosophy 11 (3):261-262.
  8.  55
    Symbols in numbers: from numerals to magnitude information.Oliver Lindemann, Shirley-Ann Rueschemeyer & Harold Bekkering - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):341-342.
    A dual-code model of number processing needs to take into account the difference between a number symbol and its meaning. The transition of automatic non-abstract number representations into intentional abstract representations could be conceptualized as a translation of perceptual asemantic representations of numerals into semantic representations of the associated magnitude information. The controversy about the nature of number representations should be thus related to theories on embodied grounding of symbols.
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    From War to Peace.Janine Chanteur & Shirley Ann Weisz - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (2):217-224.
  10.  18
    Flexibility in Embodied Language Processing: Context Effects in Lexical Access.Wessel O. van Dam, Inti A. Brazil, Harold Bekkering & Shirley-Ann Rueschemeyer - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (3):407-424.
    According to embodied theories of language (ETLs), word meaning relies on sensorimotor brain areas, generally dedicated to acting and perceiving in the real world. More specifically, words denoting actions are postulated to make use of neural motor areas, while words denoting visual properties draw on the resources of visual brain areas. Therefore, there is a direct correspondence between word meaning and the experience a listener has had with a word's referent on the brain level. Behavioral and neuroimaging studies have provided (...)
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    Flexibility in Embodied Language Processing: Context Effects in Lexical Access.Wessel O. Dam, Inti A. Brazil, Harold Bekkering & Shirley‐Ann Rueschemeyer - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (3):407-424.
    According to embodied theories of language (ETLs), word meaning relies on sensorimotor brain areas, generally dedicated to acting and perceiving in the real world. More specifically, words denoting actions are postulated to make use of neural motor areas, while words denoting visual properties draw on the resources of visual brain areas. Therefore, there is a direct correspondence between word meaning and the experience a listener has had with a word's referent on the brain level. Behavioral and neuroimaging studies have provided (...)
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  12. Body Aesthetics.Sherri Irvin (ed.) - 2016 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    The body is a rich object for aesthetic inquiry. We aesthetically assess both our own bodies and those of others, and our felt bodily experiences have aesthetic qualities. The body features centrally in aesthetic experiences of visual art, theatre, dance and sports. It is also deeply intertwined with one's identity and sense of self. Artistic and media representations shape how we see and engage with bodies, with consequences both personal and political. This volume contains sixteen original essays by contributors in (...)
  13.  36
    Feature activation during word recognition: action, visual, and associative-semantic priming effects.Kevin J. Y. Lam, Ton Dijkstra & Shirley-Ann Rueschemeyer - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:127413.
    Embodied theories of language postulate that language meaning is stored in modality-specific brain areas generally involved in perception and action in the real world. However, the temporal dynamics of the interaction between modality-specific information and lexical-semantic processing remain unclear. We investigated the relative timing at which two types of modality-specific information (action-based and visual-form information) contribute to lexical-semantic comprehension. To this end, we applied a behavioral priming paradigm in which prime and target words were related with respect to (1) action (...)
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    Working Across Difference: Theory, Practice and Experience.Rachael Dobson - 2017 - Feminist Legal Studies 25 (2):253-266.
    Back in October 2015 I had the opportunity to chair the book launch for all three works discussed in this review essay. At the event, Shirley Anne Tate said, “Black feminist theory is the theory”. The comment referred to how it is not ‘just’ that Black feminist theory is typically marginalised within institutional contexts and academic scholarship, ‘even’ within critical, feminist and poststructural work, but also to highlight the capacity of Black feminist scholarship to unpick and destabilise (...)
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    A gap in Nisbett and Wilson’s findings? A first-person access to our cognitive processes.Claire Petitmengin, Anne Remillieux, Béatrice Cahour & Shirley Carter-Thomas - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):654-669.
    The well-known experiments of Nisbett and Wilson lead to the conclusion that we have no introspective access to our decision-making processes. Johansson et al. have recently developed an original protocol consisting in manipulating covertly the relationship between the subjects’ intended choice and the outcome they were presented with: in 79.6% of cases, they do not detect the manipulation and provide an explanation of the choice they did not make, confirming the findings of Nisbett and Wilson. We have reproduced this protocol, (...)
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  16.  28
    The performativity of Black beauty shame in Jamaica and its diaspora: Problematising and transforming beauty iconicities.Shirley Tate - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (2):219-235.
    Black beauty shame emerges within the Black/white binary because of the beauty values sedimented in our structure of feeling since African enslavement. This article does not start from white beauty as the ideal, but focuses on the performativity of Black beauty shame as it transforms or intensifies the meanings of parts of the body in Jamaica and its UK diaspora. Using extracts from interviews with UK Jamaican heritage women, the discussion illustrates how Black beauty shame produces such intensification. First, where (...)
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    Prison (E)scapes and Body Tropes: Older Women in the Prison Time Machine.Azrini Wahidin & Shirley Tate - 2005 - Body and Society 11 (2):59-79.
    The focus of this article will be on inserting the words of older women in prison into debates on time, agency and gendered identities in total institutions. Specifically, the article will address the complexity and contradictions of the time of ‘a mediated real’, and how this impacts on embodied identities within prison timescapes. This will be explored through looking at how prison-time as a ‘somatic identity cipher’ functions performatively in the construction of older women’s identities. The article will also examine (...)
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  18.  47
    T. J. Clark and Anne M. Wagner. Lowry and the Painting of Modern Life. Tate Publishing: London, 2014. 224 pp. [REVIEW]Ann Bermingham - 2016 - Critical Inquiry 43 (1):209-209.
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    Shirley Ann Brown, The Bayeux Tapestry : A Sourcebook. Turnhout: Brepols, 2013. Paper. Pp. cvi, 316. ISBN: 978-2-503-54917-0. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Coatsworth - 2015 - Speculum 90 (1):216-218.
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  20. Resources for solitude: Proper self-sufficiency in Jane Austen.Margaret Watkins Tate - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (2):323-343.
    Austen's heroines need all their resources to overcome the suffering that their virtues occasion. Isolation threatens Emma Woodhouse, Anne Elliot, and Elinor Dashwood because of rather than in spite of their characteristic excellences. But this cannot be: virtue is supposed to contribute to flourishing, not detract from it. Fortunately, Emma, Anne, and Elinor also possess proper self-sufficiency, enabling them to endure and overcome the trials of their own virtue. Thus, Austen's heroines avoid misery, and virtue theorists learn to (...)
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  21.  13
    From War to Peace. By Janine Chanteur. Trans. Shirley Ann Weisz. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1992.Paula J. Smithka - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (2):217-224.
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    Opening the Word Hoard.Gillie Bolton, Yvonne Yi Wood Mak, Tim Metcalf, Ann Williams, Sinead Donnelly & David Greaves - 2007 - Medical Humanities 33 (2):110-117.
    Commentator: Mark Purvis Commentator: Sheena McMain Commentator: Clare Connolly Commentator: Maggie Eisner Commentator: Shirley Brierley Commentator: Becky Ship.
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    Shirley Stinson. Interview by Anne J. Davis.S. Stinson - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (4):342-346.
  24.  18
    Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology.Barbara Smith - 2000 - Rutgers University Press.
    The pioneering anthology Home Girls features writings by Black feminist and lesbian activists on topics both provocative and profound. Since its initial publication in 1983, it has become an essential text on Black women's lives and writings. This edition features an updated list of contributor biographies and an all-new preface that provides a fresh assessment of how Black women's lives have changed-or not-since the book was first published. Contributors are Tania Abdulahad, Donna Allegra, Barbara A. Banks, Becky Birtha, Julie Carter, (...)
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    Life is short-- art is shorter: in praise of brevity.David Shields - 2014 - Portland, Oregon: Hawthorne Books & Literary Arts. Edited by Elizabeth Cooperman.
    Life Is Short--Art Is Shorter is not just the first anthology to gather both mini-essays and short-short stories; readers, writers, and teachers will get will get an anthology; a course's worth of writing exercises; a rally for compression, concision, and velocity in an increasingly digital, post-religious age; and a meditation on the brevity of human existence. 1. We are mortal beings. 2. There is no god. 3. We live in a digital culture. 4. Art is related to the body and (...)
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    The Letters. Spinoza, Samuel Shirley, Steven Barbone, Lee Rice & Jacob Adler (eds.) - 1995 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
    Samuel Shirley's splendid new translation, with critical annotation reflecting research of the last half-century, is the only edition of the complete text of Spinoza's correspondence available in English. An historical-philosophical Introduction, detailed annotation, a chronology, and a bibliography are also included.
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  27.  16
    Matter, Life, and Generation: Eighteenth-Century Embryology and the Haller-Wolff Debate.Shirley A. Roe - 1981
    A case-study of the interaction between philosophical context and observational data in the practice of Science.
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    The Quest for the historical abstract expressionism.Daniel A. Siedell - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (1):pp. 107-121.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Quest for the Historical Abstract ExpressionismDaniel A. SiedellAbstract Expressionism:The International Context, by Joan Marter and David Anfam. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2007, 320 pp. $26.95, paper.Abstract Expressionism, by Debra Bricker Balken. London: Tate, 2005, 80 pp. $9.60, paper.Reading Abstract Expressionism: Context and Critique, by Ellen Landau. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2005, 768 pp. $45.00, paper.What makes any definition of a movement in art dubious (...)
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    The Legacy of Kenneth Burke.Herbert W. Simons & Trevor Melia - 1989 - Univ of Wisconsin Press.
    Capturing the lively modernist milieu of Kenneth Burke's early career in Greenwich Village, where Burke arrived in 1915 fresh from high school in Pittsburgh, this book discovers him as an intellectual apprentice conversing with "the moderns." Burke found himself in the midst of an avant-garde peopled by Malcolm Cowley, Marianne Moore, Jean Toomer, Katherine Anne Porter, William Carlos Williams, Allen Tate, Hart Crane, Alfred Stieglitz, and a host of other fascinating figures. Burke himself, who died in 1993 at (...)
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  30. Matter, Life and Generation: Eighteenth-Century Embryology and the Haller-Wolff Debate.Shirley A. Roe - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (1):94-99.
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    Tractatus Theologico-Politicus: Gebhardt Edition . Translated by S. Shirley. Introduction by B.S. Gregory.Baruch Spinoza, S. Shirley & Brad Gregory - 1989 - Brill.
    This new and complete translation of Spinoza's famous 17th-century work fills an important gap, not only for all scholars of Spinoza, but also for everyone interested in the relationship between Western philosophy and religion, and the history of biblical exegesis.
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    What We Mean When We Talk About Suffering—and Why Eric Cassell Should Not Have the Last Word.Tyler Tate & Robert Pearlman - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (1):95-110.
    Marie was 15 when her abdominal pain began. After two years of negative work-ups, countless visits to gastroenterologists, and over 70 days of high school missed, she found herself readmitted to the hospital. “Refractory abdominal pain” was her ostensible diagnosis; “troubled teen” who was “going to be difficult” was embedded in the emergency department’s sign-out. When the medical team arrived to meet Marie, she was huddled in the corner of her hospital bed, silent and withdrawn. Her intern noted the numerous (...)
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  33.  32
    Love Your Patient as Yourself: On Reviving the Broken Heart of American Medical Ethics.Tyler Tate & Joseph Clair - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (2):12-25.
    This article presents a radical claim: American medical ethics is broken, and it needs love to be healed. Due to a unique set of cultural and economic pressures, American medical ethics has adopted a mechanistic mode of ethical reasoning epitomized by the doctrine of principlism. This mode of reasoning divorces clinicians from both their patients and themselves. This results in clinicians who can ace ethics questions on multiple‐choice tests but who fail either to recognize a patient's humanity or to navigate (...)
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    Rationalism and embryology: Caspar Friedrich Wolff's theory of epigenesis.Shirley A. Roe - 1979 - Journal of the History of Biology 12 (1):1-43.
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    Contributory injustice in psychiatry.Alex James Miller Tate - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (2):97-100.
    I explain the notion of contributory injustice, a kind of epistemic injustice, and argue that it occurs within psychiatric services, affecting those who hear voices. I argue that individual effort on the part of clinicians to avoid perpetrating this injustice is an insufficient response to the problem; mitigating the injustice will require open and meaningful dialogue between clinicians and service user organisations, as well as individuals. I suggest that clinicians must become familiar with and take seriously concepts and frameworks for (...)
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    What we talk about when we talk about pediatric suffering.Tyler Tate - 2020 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 41 (4):143-163.
    In this paper I aim to show why pediatric suffering must be understood as a judgment or evaluation, rather than a mental state. To accomplish this task, first I analyze the various ways that the label of suffering is used in pediatric practice. Out of this analysis emerge what I call the twin poles of pediatric suffering. At one pole sits the belief that infants and children with severe cognitive impairment cannot suffer because they are nonverbal or lack subjective life (...)
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  37.  45
    Achieving Shared Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Value Creation: Toward a Social Resource-Based View (SRBV) of the Firm.Wendy L. Tate & Lydia Bals - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (3):803-826.
    While the economic and environmental dimensions of the triple bottom line have been covered extensively by management theory and practice, the social dimension remains largely underrepresented. The resource-based view of the firm and the natural resource-based view of the firm are revisited to lay the theoretical foundation for exploring how the social dimension might be addressed. Social capabilities are then explored by looking at the social entrepreneurship literature and illustrative cases with the purpose of elaborating RBV toward a social resource-based (...)
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    Essential ethics — embedding ethics into an engineering curriculum.Shirley T. Fleischmann - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):369-381.
    Ethical decision-making is essential to professionalism in engineering. For that reason, ethics is a required topic in an ABET approved engineering curriculum and it must be a foundational strand that runs throughout the entire curriculum. In this paper the curriculum approach that is under development at the Padnos School of Engineering (PSE) at Grand Valley State University will be described. The design of this program draws heavily from the successful approach used at the service academies — in particular West Point (...)
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    The Business Ethics of Evangelicals.Shirley J. Roels - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (2):109-122.
    Understanding the evangelical framework for business ethics is important, since business evangelicals are well positioned to exercise considerable future influence. This article develops the context for understanding evangelical business ethics by examining their history, theology and culture. It then relates the findings to evangelical foundations for business ethics. The thesis is that business ethics, as practiced by those in the evangelical community, has developed inductively from a base of applied experience. As a result, emphases on piety, witnessing, tithing, and neighborliness, (...)
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  40.  13
    The Literary Correspondence of Donald Davidson and Allen Tate.Donald Davidson & Allen Tate - 1974
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    Spinoza: The Letters.Samuel Shirley (ed.) - 1995 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Samuel Shirley's splendid new translation, with critical annotation reflecting research of the last half-century, is the only edition of the complete text of Spinoza's correspondence available in English. An historical-philosophical Introduction, detailed annotation, a chronology, and a bibliography are also included.
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    A predictive processing theory of motivation.Alex James Miller Tate - 2019 - Synthese 198 (5):4493-4521.
    In this paper I propose minimal criteria for a successful theory of the mechanisms of motivation, and argue that extant philosophical accounts fail to meet them. Further, I argue that a predictive processing framework gives us the theoretical power to meet these criteria, and thus ought to be preferred over existing theories. The argument proceeds as follows—motivational mental states are generally understood as mental states with the power to initiate, guide, and control action, though few existing theories of motivation explicitly (...)
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  43.  37
    Military Metaphors in Health Care: Who Are We Actually Trying to Help?Tyler P. Tate & Robert A. Pearlman - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (10):15-17.
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    Philosophical investigations into the essence of pediatric suffering.Tyler Tate - 2020 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 41 (4):137-142.
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    Daimon Parallels the Holy Phren in Empedocles.Shirley M. Darcus - 1977 - Phronesis 22 (2):175-190.
  46. The Pursuit of Certainty.Shirley Robin Letwin - 1966 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17 (4):337-339.
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    Analysis of Brain Lesion Impact on Balance and Gait Following Stroke.Shirley Handelzalts, Itshak Melzer & Nachum Soroker - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:421112.
    Falls are a leading cause of serious injury and restricted participation among persons with stroke (PwS). Reactive balance control is essential for fall prevention, however, only a few studies have explored the effects of lesion characteristics (location and extent) on balance control in PwS. We aimed to assess the impact of lesion characteristics on reactive and anticipatory balance capacity, gait, and hemiparetic lower limb function, in PwS. Forty-six subacute PwS were exposed to forward, backward, right and left unannounced horizontal surface (...)
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    Rethinking the Ethics of Pandemic Rationing: Egalitarianism and Avoiding Wrongs.Alex James Miller Tate - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (2):247-255.
    This paper argues that we ought to rethink the harm-reduction prioritization strategy that has shaped early responses to acute resource scarcity (particularly of intensive care unit beds) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although some authors have claimed that “[t]here are no egalitarians in a pandemic,” it is noted here that many observers and commentators have been deeply concerned about how prioritization policies that proceed on the basis of survival probability may unjustly distribute the burden of mortality and morbidity, even while reducing (...)
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  49.  19
    Motherhood and the obfuscation of medical knowledge:: The case of sickle cell disease.Shirley A. Hill - 1994 - Gender and Society 8 (1):29-47.
    This study examines how low-income African American mothers of children with sickle cell disease cope with the reproductive implications of having passed a genetic disease on to their children. Based on in-depth interviews with 29 African American mothers, I found that most mothers knew about SCD prior to having a child with the disease; many knew they were carriers of the sickle cell trait. In explaining why this knowledge did not lead them to alter their reproductive behaviors, mothers invoked a (...)
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    John Turberville Needham and the Generation of Living Organisms.Shirley Roe - 1983 - Isis 74 (2):159-184.
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